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    Apply to EKU! Maroon is going to look great on you
    Apply Now
    Apply now to start an application. Don't worry, you can save your progress and come back at any time to finish with your login and password.
    Start Application
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    Already started your application? Log in with your username and password to pick up where you left off!

    Continue Application

    Forgot your password? Select "Continue Application" above and reset your password.
    Check your Status
    If you've already submitted your application, log in below to check the status.
    Check your Status
    What application should I start?

    Undergraduate: Freshman, Transfer, Returning, Visiting, Non-degree

    Dual Credit: This application is for current high school students who would like to enroll in concurrent college coursework. 

    How long will the application take?

    Approximately 15 minutes! You can save your progress and come back later.